Page name: Blood of Creation: Races [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-10 08:22:00
Last author: Erekosen
Owner: NamelessMerc
# of watchers: 4
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R A C E S  O F  B I L Y M A S

Populated mostly by humans, Bilymas nevertheless has a few exceptions in the form of Elves and Dwarves which have chosen this country over their own, not to mention the newly emerging Nikarath.

Playable Races of Bilymas

Bilymas: Humans
Bilymas: Elves
Bilymas: Dwarves
Bilymas: Orcs
Bilymas: Nikarath


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2005-11-11 [Erekosen]: Are we adding Orcs to this as well?

2005-11-11 [NamelessMerc]: When I get to it, yeah. I'm thinking we need to add in a half-breeds section, 'cause I'm not having half-breed gods.

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